Wednesday December 22, 2021


Trouble with connectivity and other services

incident done

Issue summary: On December 22, 2021 from 4:20 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. PST, a small percentage of customers experienced trouble sending and editing messages, loading threads, uploading files, and more. This was the result of an outage affecting one of our service providers; trouble ceased once they reestablished services. Subsequently, we discovered some bot-generated messages didn't reach our databases, leading to unrecoverable message failures. We're investigating ways to prevent this from occurring in the future.

5:26 PM PST

The trouble with file uploads, threads failing to load, and other connectivity issues that were affecting some users have been resolved. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any disruption to your day. If you're still running into issues, please email us at

12:13 PM PST

We're starting to see the issues stabilize, although some users may continue to experience intermittent trouble with file uploads and threads failing to load. We are continuing to monitor this and will provide an update once the issues are fully resolved.

10:04 AM PST

We don't have any news to share at present, but our investigation is ongoing. We appreciate your patience.

9:34 AM PST

The team is continuing to investigate the root cause for the issues related to file uploading and message failures. Our sincerest apologies for the trouble. We'll be back with another update in 30 minutes.

9:05 AM PST

We don’t have any further information to share at this moment. We apologize for the trouble and thank you for patience while we investigate the root cause of this issue.

8:35 AM PST

Less than 1% of customers are experiencing trouble with sending messages, editing messages, loading threads, applying reactions and uploading files. We're still investigating and we'll post another update in 30 minutes.

8:06 AM PST

While we’re seeing improvements, we are continuing our investigation. Currently, customers may still be experiencing trouble with sending and editing messages, reacting to messages, and attaching files. Thank you for your continued patience as we work through resolving this.

7:35 AM PST

We’re still investigating the issue with file uploads, but we don’t have any new information to share at this time. Thanks for sticking with us as we continue to work towards a fix. We will post another update in 30 minutes.

7:06 AM PST

We’re seeing improvements with most services that were affected earlier while the issues with file uploads are ongoing. We’re continuing to investigate and will post our next update in 30 minutes.

6:35 AM PST

No additional news to share at this time, but we’re focused on getting things back to normal as quickly as we can. We apologize for the continued trouble. We’ll be back with another update in the next 30 minutes.

5:58 AM PST

We are working hard to resolve this connectivity issue and we will update our status site as regularly as possible to keep your informed on our progress.

5:28 AM PST

We are experiencing issues with file uploads, message editing, and other services. We're currently investigating the issue and will provide a status update once we have more information.

4:58 AM PST

Features affected





