Tuesday January 31, 2023


Errors running workflows

Issue summary:
On January 31, 2023 from 11:40 AM PST to 11:55 AM PST, customers may have experienced issues with workflows not running as expected or posting duplicate messages.

A network event prevented access to some of the database servers that support workflows. This disruption meant that the remaining servers were unable to handle the workflow load.

We restarted the affected servers and manually increased the capacity to resolve the issue, restoring normal workflow behaviour.

9:33 PM PST

We've identified the issue and rolled out a fix. Workflows are now working as expected. If you're still encountering any trouble, please reload Slack using Command + Shift + R (Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows/Linux). We appreciate your patience while we sorted this out!

12:54 PM PST

We’re receiving reports around trouble with workflows. We’re on the case and will provide another update once we have more details to share. We’re sorry for the disruption.

12:08 PM PST

Features affected


