Sunday June 25, 2023


Issues sending messages with files

Issue Summary: From 00:00 AM PDT on Saturday, June 24th, 2023 to Monday, June 26th, 2023 10:18 AM PDT, some users on the desktop and browser apps encountered a 'failed to send' error message when trying to send messages with files attached. The issue was caused by a recent change to how file permissions are read when files are shared. This change was reverted, which resolved the problem for impacted users. Our team is making efforts to prevent issues like this from reoccurring in the future. Thank you for your patience while we sorted out this issue.

1:42 PM PST

We believe customers should no longer be experiencing issues sending messages with attached files. Users may need to refresh the Slack app to see the changes (press Command/Control + Shift + R). Please send a note to if you continue to have any trouble.

2:36 AM PST

We believe customers should no longer be experiencing issues sending messages with attached files. Users may need to refresh the Slack app to see the changes (press Command/Control + Shift + R). Please send a note to if you continue to have any trouble.

2:34 AM PST

Some customers are experiencing issues sending messages with attached files. We are currently working to fix this. We’re very sorry for any inconvenience caused in the meantime.

8:36 PM PST

Features affected


