Friday July 21, 2023
Option to unarchive private channels is missing
Issue Summary:
From 2:46 PM PDT to 6:44 PM PDT on July 21, 2023, some users were unable to unarchive channels to which they belonged.
We determined that a recent code change caused this issue. We reverted the code change and the issue was resolved.
3:19 PM PST
We’ve resolved the issue with missing unarchive option for channels. You may need to reload Slack (Command/Ctrl + Shift + R) in order for the fix to be reflected on your end. Thank you very much for your patience while we worked on getting this fix out the door.
2:44 AM PST
We have identified a possible cause for the missing unarchive option for channels. We are pushing a fix and will update once we have confirmation that this option is working again.
4:04 PM PST
Some users are missing the option to unarchive private channels. We're actively looking into this, and we'll report back as more information becomes available.
3:07 PM PST
Features affected
Workspace/Org Administration