Tuesday October 3, 2023


Issues with loading some items on Slack

Issue Summary: On October 3, 2023 from 4:00 PM PDT to 4:20 PM PDT, some customers had trouble loading threads, mentions, reactions and search results in Slack. We determined that this was caused during the process of changing our database hosts on our backend. To mitigate the issue, we stopped the change which fixed the issue for affected customers. We're sorry for any disruption this may have caused and thank you for your patience while we looked into this

11:53 AM PST

Issue Summary: On October 3, 2023 from 4:00 PM PDT to 4:20 PM PDT, some customers had trouble loading threads, mentions, reactions and search results in Slack. We determined that this was caused during the process of changing our database hosts on our backend. To mitigate the issue, we stopped the change which fixed the issue for affected customers. We're sorry for any disruption this may have caused and thank you for your patience while we looked into this.

11:52 AM PST

This issue is now resolved for all users. Thank you again for bearing with us in the meantime.

5:14 PM PST

Some users may be having trouble loading threads, mentions and reactions, and search results. We are currently investigating.

4:37 PM PST

Features affected


