Wednesday January 24, 2024


Service wide connection issues

Issue summary:
On January 24, 2024 from 5:40 AM PST to around 9:00 AM PST, a small number of users experienced issues connecting to Slack and running workflows.

A change to routing in our servers resulted in requests failing due to a lack of available resources. This change was rolled back and Slack returned to a normal state.

6:18 AM PST

We’ve implemented a fix and all impacted features are up and running once again. We appreciate your patience while we sorted this out. If you’re still encountering any trouble, please reload Slack using Command + Shift + R (Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows/Linux). Thank you for your patience while we sorted out this issue.

9:43 AM PST

We’re seeing signs of improvement, but we’re still monitoring the situation. We’ll confirm once the issue is fully resolved or we have another update to share.

9:19 AM PST

We’ve isolated the problem and we’re focused on getting Slack working again as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued patience.

9:05 AM PST

Some customers are encountering issues connecting to Slack and running workflows. We're actively looking into this, and we'll report back as more information becomes available.

[This post has been updated to correct a grammatical error.]

8:37 AM PST

Features affected





