Thursday February 29, 2024


Workflows are unable to be viewed or triggered

Issue summary:
On February 29, 2024 at 8:00 AM PST to 9:55 AM PST, users saw errors when attempting to trigger and manage legacy workflows.

Upon investigation, we discovered a code change prevented part of the infrastructure that supports workflows from functioning correctly.

To resolve the issue, we reverted the code change and all workflows were restored.

12:47 PM PST

We’ve resolved the issue with legacy workflows and they've been restored to full functionality. Thank you very much for your patience while we worked on getting this fix out the door.

10:09 AM PST

We’re still investigating issues with workflows. No additional information to share just yet, but we’ll keep you posted as soon we have an update.

9:30 AM PST

We’re investigating a problem with legacy workflows. We’ll be back with another update as soon as we have more information to share.

9:06 AM PST

Features affected


