Monday February 26, 2024


Users are not able to create workflows

Issue summary:
From 12:30 PM PST to 1:05 PM PST on February 26, 2024, users were unable to create workflows.

We determined that the related API method needed updating in order to eliminate inconsistencies that were causing elevated replication lag.

We deployed an update to the API method correcting this issue, and all workflow creation will now work as expected.

6:50 PM PST

We've released a fix and users should no longer encounter any issues creating new workflows. Thank you for bearing with us as we worked to get this resolved.

3:56 PM PST

We have isolated the cause of this issue and are working on getting a fix out as soon as we can. We’ll be back as soon as we have another update, and we appreciate your patience in the meantime.

3:20 PM PST

We are currently investigating an issue where users are not able to create workflows. Running existing workflows is not impacted. We will update as we have more information to share.

1:02 PM PST

Features affected


