Wednesday February 21, 2024


Trouble with password resets

Issue Summary: Between 1:18 AM PST on February 21, 2024, and 5:35 AM PST on February 22, 2024, some users experienced issues resetting their passwords, especially when trying to set up two-factor authentication. We traced the issue to a recent backend code change and reverted the change, which fixed the issue for all affected users. Thank you for your patience while we resolved this and we apologize for any disruption to your work day.

6:32 AM PST

Users should no longer be experiencing any trouble with password resets. Thank you very much for your patience while we worked on getting this fixed.

5:55 AM PST

Some users may be experiencing issues resetting their passwords, particularly when trying to set up two-factor authentication. We're investigating and we're very sorry for the disruption.

11:46 PM PST

Features affected


