Sunday March 31, 2024


Workflows configured using the Create a channel step may encounter an error on channel creation

incident done

Issue summary: From March 31, 2024 at 6:30 AM PDT to March 31, 2024 at 11:50 AM PDT, some customers were unable to create a channel with a workflow. We identified a backend code change that inadvertently changed some data, causing the "Create a channel" workflow step to hang in the Workflow Builder. We rolled back the change, correcting the issue. Impacted customers should no longer be experiencing any further issues.

12:13 AM PST

We have found the issue and reversed the code that caused it. It has been rolled out successfully and it should now be possible to create a channel with a workflow. Thank you for your patience!

12:57 PM PST

Some customers are encountering an error in Slack related to channel creation using Workflow Builder. We're actively investigating this and will report back as more information becomes available.

7:34 AM PST

Features affected


