Wednesday March 13, 2024


User are receiving errors when attempting to access certain app configuration pages.

Issue summary:
On March 13, 2024 from 5:02 PM PDT until 9:48 PM PDT some users may have encountered "Something's gone awry" or "Slack isn't loading" errors when attempting to access their certain app configuration pages.

We determined that a recent code change caused this issue. We reverted the code change and the issue was resolved.

4:01 AM PST

We’ve restored full functionality to all app configuration pages for all impacted users. You may need to reload these pages (Command/Ctrl + Shift + R) in order for this fix to be reflected on your end. We’re sorry for the disruption we brought to your day.

11:07 PM PST

Some customers are reporting they cannot access certain app configuration pages. They receive "Something’s gone awry" or "Slack isn’t loading" errors. Reports have shown these errors are appearing on the 'Collaborators' or 'Manage Distribution' pages.

We're actively looking into this, and we'll report back here when more information becomes available to us.

8:42 PM PST

Features affected



