Monday April 15, 2024

Modals opened in huddle threads cannot be closed

Issue summary: On April 12, 2024, from around 2:30 PM PDT until April 15, 2024, at 11:45 AM PDT, some users were unable to close a modal while in a huddle thread that was opened in a child window (a window popped open outside of the main Slack client). This was commonly presented to users when they attempted to select an emoji from the emoji picker in a huddle thread but, we discovered this also occurred with other emoji picker modals that were open in a child window while using the desktop or browser versions of Slack. We traced this issue back to a recent change we made to improve the modal navigation experience in Slack. We rolled back that change which resolved this issue for affected users.
2:38 PM PST
We've restored full functionality to huddles for all impacted users. You may need to reload Slack (Command/Ctrl + Shift + R) in order for this fix to be reflected on your end. We're sorry for the disruption we brought to your day.
11:45 AM PST
We're continuing to work on a fix for this issue. We'll be back once the fix is rolled out to affected users.
11:12 AM PST
We’ve identified the cause of this issue and we’re working on getting a fix out as soon as possible. We’ll be back once we have another update to share.
10:41 AM PST
We're still actively investigating an issue with huddle threads. In particular, users may be unable to close the modal that appears when attempting to use emoji reactions or play clips from within a huddle thread. We suggest users encountering this issue restart their app or browser to return Slack to normal. We'll provide another update as soon as we have more information to share.
10:26 AM PST
We’re looking into an issue impacting actions taken in huddle threads and we’ll let you know as we learn more. Thank you for bearing with us in the meantime.
10:04 AM PST
Features affected