Monday April 29, 2024

Service degradation for some customers

Issue summary: From April 25, 2024 at 3:44 PM PDT to April 29, 2024 at 2:00 PM PDT, a very small number of users may have encountered issues with user profiles, custom statuses, and emoji in Slack. Our monitoring systems detected a high rate of errors and timeouts for one of our regional servers on April 29, 2024. We determined that these errors may have caused profile, status, and emoji issues for a small number of the users connected through this region. We traced the errors back to a recent code change. We reverted the offending change, resolving the errors and restoring normal functionality.
2:07 AM PST
We’ve resolved the issue and users should no longer have trouble loading user profiles and emojis in Slack. You may need to reload Slack (Command/Ctrl + Shift + R) in order for this fix to be reflected on your end. Apologies for the trouble today and thank you for your patience.
3:32 PM PST
Some users may be encountering issues loading user profiles and emojis in Slack. We're actively looking into this, and we'll report back as more information becomes available.
11:39 AM PST
Features affected