Thursday May 2, 2024

Some users may encounter issues trying to load Slack

Issue summary: From 12:29 PM PDT to 1:15 PM PDT on May 2, 2024, an automated monitoring system detected a high level of failed requests and backend errors against one of our databases. The failed requests and errors indicated that users may have experienced slowness or difficulty loading Slack. We were able to trace the errors back to a specific database which showed erroneous responses to requests. We manually triggered a rerouting from the affected database to a backup database, which fixed the unhealthy error rate to normal and fixed any issues that user may have experienced during this time.
7:00 PM PST
Users should no longer be experiencing any trouble accessing Slack. Thank you for your patience.
1:40 PM PST
We’re seeing signs of recovery, but we’re still monitoring the situation. We’ll confirm once these issues are fully resolved or we have another update to share.
1:23 PM PST
We're still actively looking into this, and we'll report back as more information becomes available.
1:15 PM PST
Some users may be experiencing trouble loading Slack. We're very sorry for the disruption. We are investigating and we'll provide an update in 30 minutes.
12:50 PM PST
Features affected