Monday June 24, 2024

Issues sending messages to channels

Issue Summary: On June 24, 2024 from 11:25AM PDT to July 3, 2024 11:30AM PDT, users were unable to post in some channels due to an "Only some people can post" message on iOS as if the channel was made announcement-only. This initially was handled as a bug, however, the issue began to unexpectedly impact more users. Out of an abundance of caution, we promptly activated our incident response processes to expedite our investigation. We determined this issue was presenting only temporarily for most users and was often resolved by switching channels, clearing app cache, or by force-closing the app and re-launching. A fix was implemented in version 24.07.10 of the iOS app to restore channel posting functionality, resolving the issue for affected users. Updating the app is recommended in order to capture the fix.
4:09 PM PST
We have heard from several affected users that clearing their app cache (for iOS users: Tap on your profile picture on the top-right of the screen > Preferences > Advanced > Reset cache) and restarting Slack resolves the issue. We will be discontinuing status site updates and will work with any affected users directly via support tickets while we continue working on a permanent fix. We apologize for the disruption to your workday and thank you for your patience.
3:26 PM PST
For additional clarity: Users may be incorrectly encountering "Only some people can post." when trying to send messages to channels. We're continuing to investigate this issue and we'll report back as more information becomes available.
12:05 PM PST
Some users might be unable to send messages to channels. We apologize for the trouble and we'll share more news as it becomes available.
11:37 AM PST
Features affected