Sunday June 9, 2024

Issues with Outlook Calendar app

Issue summary: From June 8, 2024, 4:30PM PDT to June 9, 2024 10:50PM PDT, some customers experienced an error when using the Outlook Calendar app in Slack. We determined that Slack credentials to connect to Outlook Calendar had expired, causing the app integration to fail. We have successfully updated the app with new credentials, which has resolved the issue for all impacted users.
8:14 AM PST
We’ve released a fix, and all impacted Outlook Calendar app features are up and running once again. We appreciate your patience while we worked on this.
11:11 PM PST
We're seeing errors with the Outlook Calendar app. Customers may experience issues connecting to the app and updating calendar events in the meantime. We're working on resolving the issues as soon as possible, and will be back in touch when we have further news to share.
6:52 PM PST
Features affected