Monday July 1, 2024

Issues loading threads and activity feed

Issue summary: On July 1, 2024 from 12:23 PM PDT to around 5:20 PM PDT, some users experienced issued with loading threads, channels, direct messages, the Activity tab, and search results. Some users may have also experienced issues with sending messages. An error occurred during a routine database process. This error meant that a small subset of user requests were incorrectly routed to databases that did not exist. We made an immediate change to redirect user requests to cached data where possible to mitigate some of the errors. In parallel, we rebuilt the database mapping to correctly reroute the affected traffic. This resolved the issue for all users.
9:17 PM PST
The issues with loading threads, activity, direct messages and searching items should now be resolved. We've seen significant improvements in error rates that are now down to normal/healthy levels. We're confident these items should now be working as expected for all users. Users may refresh Slack ⌘ R (Mac) or Ctrl R (Windows/Linux).
5:44 PM PST
We are still working hard to reduce errors to rectify the issues with loading threads and activity. Some users may still see issues with loading direct messages and search as well. We're currently working towards a resolution. We hope to see further improvements soon.
5:22 PM PST
We are still exploring possible causes for loading issues in threads and activity. Some users might also see issues with loading direct messages and search. We apologize for the continued delay.
4:45 PM PST
We are continuing to see some improvement, and are continuing to investigate a fix. We hope to see more improvements soon.
4:10 PM PST
We appreciate your patience. We are still evaluating issues on our end, and have seen improvements in metrics for the activity tab and threads. We are still working to restore full functionality to the affected features.
3:35 PM PST
We are still actively investigating these loading issues, although we have no news to share. We will update on our progress in 30 minutes.
2:56 PM PST
We are still working on a fix for the loading issues; however, we do not have any new information to share at this time. We'll be back with an update in 30 minutes and thank you for your continued patience.
2:20 PM PST
We have identified the source of the ongoing loading issues and are actively working on a fix. We'll be back with an update in 30 minutes and thank you for bearing with us.
1:49 PM PST
We are continuing to investigate the issues users may having loading threads and the activity feed. Some users may also encounter issues loading direct messages or channels. We greatly appreciate your patience and we'll be back in 30 minutes with an update.
1:17 PM PST
Users may not be able to load threads or the activity feed at this time. We are investigating and we'll be back with an update in 30 minutes. Thank you for bearing with us.
12:44 PM PST
Features affected