Monday July 22, 2024

Trouble running workflows

Issue summary: On July 22, 2024 from 8:52 AM PDT to 9:28 AM PDT, some users experienced severe lags and in some cases errors when running or editing workflows. We were able to trace this back to one of our databases which was in a state of overload due to receiving a higher than normal number of requests. We paused the job that was creating the requests which allowed the database to recover and resolved the issue for all affected users. We then released a hotfix to address the root cause of the issue to prevent similar instances in the future. Note: The timestamps in this summary have been edited since posting to accurately reflect the duration of user impact.
6:22 PM PST
Workflows are now working as expected. If you’re still encountering any trouble, please reload Slack using Command + Shift + R (Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows/Linux). Thank you for your patience while we sorted out this issue.
1:59 PM PST
Users may be experiencing issues running, editing or managing workflows. We’re seeing signs of improvement, but we’re still monitoring the situation. We’ll confirm once the issue with workflows is fully resolved or we have another update to share.
9:48 AM PST
Users may be experiencing issues when attempting to trigger a workflow. We're investigating and will let you know as soon as we know more.
9:44 AM PST
Features affected