Wednesday August 7, 2024


Users on MacOS 10.15.7 are unable to access Slack desktop app

Issue summary:
On August 7, 2024, from around 6:00 AM PDT until 8:00 AM PDT, a small number of users on MacOS version 10.15.7 encountered a deprecation message blocking the ability to use Slack despite having a supported app version.

We discovered a recent update unexpectedly marked older macOS versions as deprecated. We reverted the change and resolved the issue for affected users.

4:00 PM PST

We have deployed a fix to resolve this issue. If you're still encountering a blocking deprecation message, please reload Slack using Command + Shift + R.

We apologize for any disruption to your workday.

9:20 AM PST

Slack users on MacOS 10.15.7 are encountering a blocking deprecation message while having a supported Slack app version. We are investigating and will keep you posted as we have more information to share. Sorry for the inconvenience in the interim!

7:31 AM PST

