Friday September 6, 2024

Issues with availability status

Issue summary: On Friday, September 6, 2024, between 8:00 AM PDT and 10:20 AM PDT, users could not change their availability between active and away using the desktop or browser versions of Slack. We traced the issue to a recent code change related to updating a user's availability in our databases. Rolling back this change resolved the issue for all users. We'll continue to implement process improvements from our review to help reduce the likelihood of this occurring in the future.
1:20 PM PST
We've rolled out a fix and users can now change their active/away status as expected. Thank you for your patience while we sorted out this issue. If you continue to have issues, please reach out to to engage with our support team.
9:20 AM PST
Users are unable to manually set their availability status in the desktop or browser app. We suspect we've identified the cause of this issue and we’re working on getting a fix out as soon as possible. We’ll be back once we have another update to share.
8:45 AM PST
Activity indicator dots are reflecting as inactive for users actively using Slack. We're currently investigating this and will be back as soon as we have an update.
8:31 AM PST
Features affected