Sunday September 8, 2024

Search issues for Enterprise Grid users with Enterprise Key Management (EKM) enabled.

Issue summary: From September 5, 2024 at 2:50 PM PDT to September 8, 2024 at 10 PM PDT, some customers using Enterprise Key Management (EKM) were unable to search for recently created messages. We traced this issue back to a recent code change which we discovered was creating indexing errors for EKM customers when they used the search function. We then reverted the problematic code change and ran a reindexing script to make the missing messages searchable again, which resolved the issue for all affected users.
2:54 PM PST
We’ve made a fix and the issue with searching for recent messages in Slack has been resolved for all impacted users. We appreciate your patience while we sorted this out.
12:35 PM PST
We have completed restoring the majority of the search issues for most affected teams. We will post when all team have been restored. Thank you for your patience.
3:33 PM PST
We do not have any new information to share about the search issue for previously posted messages, but we're focused on getting things back to normal as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience.
9:08 AM PST
We have deployed a fix to resolve this issue for new messages going forward. We also have established that this is only affecting messages in channels, not direct messages or files. We are still working to resolve the search issues for previously posted messages, and we'll be back with an update as soon as we have news.
8:51 PM PST
We have identified the cause of this issue and are deploying a fix so that newly posted messages won’t be affected. We are still working on fixing the search issues for previously posted messages. Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this.
8:26 PM PST
Some Enterprise Grid users with Enterprise Key Management (EKM) enabled are having trouble searching for recently shared messages. We’ll be back with another update as soon as we have more information to share.
7:43 PM PST
Features affected