Friday October 18, 2024

Newly invited users unable to login with SSO

On Friday, October 18, from 10:00 AM PDT to 1:00 PM PDT some newly invited users reported receiving an "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" error when trying to login to workspaces using Single Sign On (SSO). We discovered the issue was related to a code change that handles traffic to our Terms of Service page, a feature only available on our enterprise plan. As a result, users were incorrectly redirected regardless of their workspace plan. We identified the problematic portion of code and reverted it. Once this completed, users reported being able to log in successfully.
5:30 PM PST
We've resolved the SSO redirect issue that users were experiencing. If you're still encountering problems, please refresh your app or browser by pressing 'Cmd/Ctrl' + 'Shift' + 'R'. We apologize for the disruption and appreciate your patience as we sorted this out.
1:21 PM PST
We’ve identified the cause of this issue and we’re working on getting a fix out as soon as possible. We’ll be back once we have another update to share.
11:48 AM PST
Some newly invited users are stuck in an SSO loop with an "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" error that is preventing them from logging in. We're on the case and will report back once we have news to share.
11:15 AM PST
Features affected