Tuesday October 22, 2024

Some webhooks are returning `team_not_found`

On October 15, 2024, from 12:00 PM PDT to 2:33 PM PDT, some workflows that utilize incoming webhooks to send messages returned the error “team_not_found”, and the messages weren’t shared to the intended channel. We traced the issue back to a recent code change related to ensuring webhooks and plugins work as expected. The change didn’t account for a variable, which triggered the error. Once we reverted the change and rolled out a fix, the issue was resolved for all affected workflows.
2:42 PM PST
We have confirmed the fix for this issue and user should no longer see this error. Thank you for your patience!
3:22 PM PST
We have identified the cause of this issue and we are rolling back the change we made that caused it. We are seeing a decrease in errors and will update when the issue is fully resolved.
2:52 PM PST
We are seeing some reports of webhooks returning `team_not_found`. We are currently investigating and will update when we know more.
2:18 PM PST
Features affected