Monday November 11, 2024


User profiles appearing blank

incident done Summary

Issue summary: From around 10:28 AM PST to 1:16 PM PST on November 11, 2024, a small number of users may have experienced issues with missing sections on user profiles. We made a code change to a workspace preference that inadvertently introduced a logic error, preventing some sections of user profiles from loading correctly. We deployed a fix to correct the logic error, resolving the issue for all affected users.

9:38 PM PST


The issue with profiles loading for some users has been resolved. We recommend refreshing your client by pressing Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R. We apologize for any disruption this may have caused to your workday.

2:08 PM PST

Cause Identified

We've identified the cause of the issue and are working to restore profile functionality as soon as possible. We’ll be back once we have another update to share. Thank you for your continued patience.

1:31 PM PST


We're investigating reports of user profiles in Slack appearing blank. We'll be back with another update once we have news to share.

1:07 PM PST

Features affected

Workspace/Org Administration

