Tuesday December 3, 2024

Issues viewing Slack Marketplace pages for installed apps

On December 3, 2024 from 12:38 PM PST to 5:19 PM PST, some customers may have encountered a 500 error when attempting to access the Slack Marketplace page for their installed apps. We determined that a recent code change to the Slack Marketplace directory was responsible for these errors. We reverted the problem code, and the issue was resolved for all impacted users.
8:11 PM PST
We have resolved the issue and everyone should be able to view Slack Marketplace pages for installed apps as expected once more. You may need to refresh your browser tab to pick up the fix. We apologize for any disruption to your work.
5:30 PM PST
Some users may be experiencing 500 errors when trying to access the Slack Marketplace page for apps that they have already installed on their workspace. We are investigating and we'll be back with an update as soon as we have more information. Thank you for bearing with us as we work to resolve this.
3:58 PM PST
Features affected