Tuesday December 10, 2024


Some users may be seeing increased errors when calling conversations.replies on the API

incident done Summary

From 9:00 AM PST to 5:58 PM PST on December 10, 2024, some users may have experienced issues with the conversations.replies API method.

A code change inadvertently introduced an error that meant some query parameters were omitted from conversations.replies API calls, causing them to fail.

We deployed a fix to correct this error, resolving the issue for all affected customers.

8:20 PM PST


The issue with accessing conversations.replies with the API for some users has been resolved. We apologize for any disruptions to your workday.

6:11 PM PST


We have prepared a potential fix and are now working to deploy it. Once deployed, it will take some time to roll out. We'll be back with an update as soon as we have news to share.

5:25 PM PST


We are continuing to investigate the errors we are seeing with conversations.replies. The team is working to gather more information and bring in additional expertise to help resolve the issue.

3:21 PM PST


Some users may be seeing errors when they access conversations.replies with the API. We are currently investigating the cause and will post as we have new information.

1:50 PM PST

Features affected


