Thursday December 19, 2024

Some users may be having trouble closing or removing link previews/unfurls.

On December 18, 2024 at 12:32 PM PST to December 19, 2024 at 12:40 PM PST, some users encountered an issue where they were unable to remove link previews because the "X" button was missing from the interface.
We determined that a recent code change to how we handle message attachments was inadvertently causing this issue. We immediately reverted this code change, which resolved the issue for all affected users.
4:03 PM PST
We’ve restored full functionality to removing link previews. You may need to reload Slack (Command/Ctrl + Shift + R) in order for this fix to be reflected on your end.
11:58 AM PST
We're still working towards restoring the ability to remove link previews on the desktop and browser apps. In the meantime, users can remove link previews on mobile.
11:13 AM PST
We’ve identified the cause of this issue and we’re working on getting a fix out as soon as possible.
We’ll be back once we have another update to share.
10:29 AM PST
We’re looking into an issue with closing or removing link previews/unfurls and we’ll let you know as we learn more.
Thank you for bearing with us in the meantime.
9:22 AM PST
Features affected