Monday January 27, 2025

Trouble with missing notifications & adding users to Group DMs

On January 27, 2025 from 3:37 AM PST to 10:06 AM PST, some users may have experienced issues with threads, including delayed notifications, delayed message delivery and loading issues. Users may have also had issues when attempting to add users to group DMs.
A resource intensive task overloaded one of our servers, causing this task and other incoming requests to fail. Our retry systems automatically tried to process the stuck requests, further impacting performance with repeat attempts.
To ease load on these systems, we limited the number of retry attempts and reduced the total number of requests being handled by the overloaded server. This restored normal performance and resolved the issue for all impacted users.
9:08 PM PST
We've resolved the issue related to receiving thread notifications, loading threads, and adding users to group DMs. We apologize for any disruptions to your work day.
11:31 AM PST
We're still monitoring this issue but are seeing recovery in affected areas. Users should no longer experience trouble loading threads, adding users to group-DMs, or receiving notifications. We'll be back with another update once we confirm things are fully back in order.
10:55 AM PST
We're seeing some signs of recovery in our health metrics but will continue monitoring this closely as we work toward a full resolution. Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime.
9:57 AM PST
We've determined the issue related to Group DMs that we've shared about in our post here: is related to the same issue with missing notifications. We're still on the case and continuing our investigation as we work towards a fix.
In an effort to streamline our updates, we'll begin sharing information about the Group DM issues in this post. We apologize for any confusion.
9:16 AM PST
We're still investigating an issue with threads.
Messages are sending as expected but thread notifications may be delayed. There may also be trouble loading threads and thread badges may be stuck.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we'll be back as soon as we have more information.
8:44 AM PST
We're still investigating the issue with missing thread notifications and threads not loading correctly. We don't have any new information right now.
We'll be back with an update soon.
7:41 AM PST
We're continuing to investigate the issue with missing thread notifications. Other notifications should be working as expected, but threads may not be loading correctly.
7:10 AM PST
The missing or delayed notifications appear to be isolated to threads.
We’re focused on getting things back to normal as quickly as we can. We'll be back with another update in 30 minutes.
6:38 AM PST
We’re still actively investigating this issue, but we don’t have any new information to share at this time. Thanks for sticking with us as we continue to work towards a fix.
6:03 AM PST
Notifications may be missing for some users. We're currently investigating the issue and we'll be back when we have more information.
We're sorry for any interruption to your day.
4:52 AM PST
Features affected